To attend the conference and visit the exhibition, please register using the following link:
Global Ayurveda Summit : https://cam.mycii.in/OR/OnlineRegistrationLogin.html?EventId=E000063181
Kerala health Tourism : https://cam.mycii.in/OR/OnlineRegistrationLogin.html?EventId=E000063171
For any further details, please feel free to reach out to Ms Sayoojya S. at sayoojya.s@cii.in / 6238435909.
GJPEC BSM for Silver Jewellery, Barcelona (Spain), 19-20 October 2023
The Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) is organising a Buyer-Seller Meet (BSM) for Silver Jewellery in Barcelona, Spain from 19-20 October 2023. The event will focus on buyers from Spain, Portugal and France – a region that has a strong demand for silver jewellery.
The BSM will have a delegation of 20 exporters travelling from India to Spain to showcase their sample lines of silver jewellery as well as various samples of both foreign- and locally-sourced rough gemstones to interested buyer companies. Travel costs may be partly covered by the GJEPC; see the Buyer Invite.
For further information, contact Mr Sridhar Iyengar, Director, through Sridhar.iyengar@gjepcindia.com / +91 8879310463 or Mr Varun Chulate through varun.chulate@gjepcindia.com / +91 9833654932.
India Footwear and Leather Products Show (IFLPS) and Investment Promotion Show (IPS):
London, UK, 18-20 October 2023
The Council of Leather Exports is organising the India Footwear and Leather Products Show (IFLPS) and Investment Promotion Show (IPS) at the Park Plaza Westminster Bridge in London, UK, from 18-20 October 2023, with funding support from the Government of India under the MAI Scheme.
18 October will be exclusively reserved for the IPS, set to be held at the Indian High Commission in the UK. The initiative will include presentation from CLE / Invest India about investment opportunities in the footwear and leather sector in India. One-to-one meetings between investors and Indian companies in the footwear and leather sector will also be scheduled.
19-20 October will be exclusively reserved for a Buyer Seller Meet (BSM), with the anticipated participation of 60-80 Indian companies. There will be individual booths for display of footwear, leather garments, leather goods and accessories by the participants / Indian exhibitors. The event is being organised in close coordination with the High Commission of India in the UK and is supported by the British Footwear Association.
For more details, please see the Flyer and the event website, https://www.cleindialondonshow.com/.
Global Maritime India Summit (GMIS) 2023, New Delhi, 17-19 October 2023
On behalf of the Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways, Government of India, the Embassy of India in Lisbon is pleased to convey that the Global Maritime India Summit (GMIS) 2023 will take place at the Pragati Maidan conference venue in New Delhi from 17-19 October 2023.
GMIS 2023 is a landmark event aimed at boosting the Indian maritime economy by promoting global and regional partnerships and facilitating investments. Set to be inaugurated by PM Narendra Modi, the event will bring together global maritime players, policymakers and regulators, key opinion leaders and industry leaders through a series of engaging dialogues, forums and knowledge exchange platforms. Amongst other initiatives, GMIS 2023 will include an investor summit and an international exhibition to facilitate interaction and collaboration amongst Indian and international maritime companies, policymakers, investors and other stakeholders.
For more information about GMIS 2023, see the official website https://maritimeindiasummit.com, the Event Presentation as well as this online video.
IREE 2023, New Delhi,
12-14 October 2023
The 15 th International Railway Equipment, Services Exhibition (IREE 2023) is set to take place from 12-14 October 2023 at the Pragati Maidan exhibition venue in New Delhi.
Organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), in association with the Ministry of Railways, Government of India, the IREE is the only international event in India for the Railway sector and related fields, having been held since 1990.
For further information on this initiative, please consult the Advertisement 1 and the Advertisement 2 as well as the official website: http://ireeindia.com/. You may also reach out directly to the dedicated contact person Mr Rajesh Wadhwa through rajesh.Wadhwa[at]cii.in / +91 9910267148.
45th India Carpet Expo: Bhadohi (Uttar Pradesh), 8-11 October 2023
The 45th edition of the India Carpet Expo is set to be held at the Bhadohi Carpet Expo Mar in Bhadohi, Uttar Pradesh, from 8-11 October 2023, organised by the Carpet Export Promotion Council (CEPC), a body set up by the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India.
In India, CEPC is an apex body for the promotion of handmade carpets and other floor coverings. As Asia’s largest handmade carpet fair, the India Carpet Expo is CEPC’s flagship event. The India Carpet Expo started in 2000 and is a biannual fair that traditionally attracts hundreds of buyers of handmade carpets, rugs, and other floor coverings from more than 60 countries of the world. In the upcoming edition, more than 200 exhibitors will represent carpet-producing areas such as Bhadohi, Mirzapur, Varanasi, Agra, Jaipur, Panipat and Srinagar and exhibit a wide range of varieties of handmade carpets, rugs and other floor coverings.
Bhadohi District is known as the ‘Carpet City’ of India and has also been awarded ‘Town of Excellence’ status by the Government of India. It is home to the largest hand-knotted carpet weaving industry hub in South Asia and is visited by a large number of buyers from domestic and overseas markets.
CEPC is inviting foreign buyers by offering to reimburse their economy excursion air fare (up to US$600 for participants from Portugal) and providing a complimentary hotel stay including breakfast in Varanasi (40 km from Bhadohi) on any two nights from 7-11 October 2023. CEPC will also provide shuttle service from the hotel to the fair venue during the exhibition period.
For further information, prospective Overseas Buyers may consult www.cepc.co.in and register themselves at http://cepc.co.in/buyer-registration. See also the Flyer with relevant contact details.
Post-Show Report
International Gem & Jewellery Show (IGJS) Buyer Seller Meets, Dubai (UAE), 10-12 October 2023 and Jaipur (Rajasthan), 12-14 April 2024
The Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) is organising two Buyer-Seller Meets (BSMs), in Dubai (UAE) from 10-12 October 2023 and in Jaipur (Rajasthan) from 12-14 April 2024.
Please visit the respective links https://intl.gjepc.org/dubai and https://intl.gjepc.org/jaipur for further information about the upcoming IGJS exhibitions / BSMs in Dubai and Jaipur.
Visitor registrations may be made through https://intl.gjepc.org/visitor-registration/igjs-dubai-2023 and https://intl.gjepc.org/visitor-registration/igjs-jaipur-1, respectively.
Feel free to contact Ms Barjinder Kohli, Assistant Manager - International Events, who has been nominated to represent the GJEPC for international buyers: barjinder.kohli@gjepcindia.com
5th World Coffee Conference, Bengaluru (Karnataka), 25-28 September 2023
The 5th World Coffee Conference, organised by the International Coffee Organization (ICO) in association with the Coffee Board of India, has been scheduled to take place from 25-28 September 2023 at the Bangalore Palace Grounds in Bengaluru, Karnataka. Around 1,500 registered delegates and 10,000 business visitors from across the globe are expected to participate. India is the 7th largest producer of coffee in the world, accounting for nearly 4% of the global coffee production and the 5th largest exporter, with a 5% share in global coffee exports. Asia, with countries like India, Vietnam, Indonesia and Nepal, now accounts for almost 33% of the world production.
The ICO is the main intergovernmental organisation for coffee, set up in London in 1963 under the auspices of the United Nations (UN) to agglomerate exporting and importing Governments to tackle the challenges faced by the world coffee sector through international cooperation. Its around 75 Member Governments represent 98% of world coffee production and 67% of world consumption.
Every four to five years, the ICO holds a high-level World Coffee Conference to enable discussion around critical topics for the global coffee sector. The first four conferences took place in England (2001), Brazil (2005), Guatemala (2010) and Ethiopia (2016).
Arriving for the first time in Asia, the 5th edition of the World Coffee Conference will bring together leaders, decision-makers, coffee-producing and -importing nations, traders, associations, experts, roasters and others from over 80 countries to discuss, debate and collaborate towards building a sustainable coffee industry, right from bean to cup. Sustainability through Circular Economy and Regenerative Agriculture will be the underlying theme of the event.
For detailed information, please see the event website https://wccindia2023.com.
If you would like to directly contact the organisers from the Coffee Board of India, please feel free to reach out to the following professionals:
1) Mr N.N. Narendra (IOFS, Director of Finance) – dirfincb@gmail.com with CC to iccwccindia2023@gmail.com / +91 9894610198.
2) Mr Ananth S. Bhatt (Communications Manager on Contract) – communicationsmanager.cb@gmail.com / +91 9739573732.
India Energy Transition Summit 2023, New Delhi, 25-26 Setember 2023
The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) is organising the 2nd edition of the India Energy Transition Summit 2023, which will take place from 25-26 September 2023 at the FICCI Federation House at Tansen Marg, New Delhi. The event is expected to have participation of over 300 participants and more than 50 speakers.
The current edition will focus on green hydrogen ecosystems, solar & wind energy, investment opportunities, international tie-ups, energy storage, financing, capacity augmentation, amongst other things. The key objective of the event is to have deliberations on the energy transition roadmap, adopting best practices from global energy transition for India and vice versa.
Shri R. K. Singh, Minister of Power and New & Renewable Energy, has kindly consented to grace the occasion as the Chief Guest.
Participation by Portuguese companies operating in the energy transition sector will be of immense importance in forging ties between the sectoral stakeholders. For more information, please see the Draft Programme and the Event Brochure.
Mr Arpan Gupta (arpan.gupta@ficci.com / +91-9810572331) is the nodal point of contact for the programme and may be contacted for any further queries.
7 th Farmtech Asia, Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh), 22-24 September, 2023
The 7 th FarmTech Asia fair is scheduled to take place from 22-24 September 2023 at the ICAR Campus in Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh). Focusing on the sectors of Agriculture, Horticulture and the Dairy Industry, the initiative is being organised by Brahmani Events & Exhibitions Pvt Ltd, in association with the All-India Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers’ Association (AMMA-India).
The organisers expect more than 170 participants from more than 16 States of India as well as over 6 other countries. For further details, see the official event website:
1st UP International Trade Show, 21-25 September 2023, Greater Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
The Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO) is organising the 1st edition of the UP International Trade Show on 21-25 September 2023 at the India Expo Centre & Mart in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh (UP). The event aims to create a focused sourcing platform for the state of Uttar Pradesh to connect buyers and sellers across categories from India and abroad. With over 241 million inhabitants, Uttar Pradesh is the most populated state in India and the most populous country subdivision in the world.
The five-day trade show will seek to showcase products and services manufactured in Uttar Pradesh by putting on display the culture, cuisine, and food crafts of the state. Around 50,000 business delegates, industry representatives, policymakers and other related stakeholders are expected to attend the event, which will include seminars and workshops on various topics related to trade and technology, in addition to live demonstrations and cultural activities.
Focus sectors of the trade show include:
- Food Processing
- Toys & Sports Goods
- Handicrafts, Handlooms
- Apparels & Garments
- Textiles, Carpets
- Engineering & Manufacturing
- Agriculture & Horticulture
- Animal Husbandry, Fishery& Dairy
- Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy
- Renewable Energy
- Automobiles-EV
- IT/ITES/ Software
- Tourism
- Logistics
- Electronics
Hosted foreign buyers (one person per company) may be offered the following benefits, subject to review by FIEO after online registration at https://www.surveyhero.com/s/UPITS:
- Reimbursement of Return Air Ticket (Economy Class with ceiling of USD650)
- Two-night Hotel Stay with Airport Transfers
Applications will be reviewed by the screening committee and the final decision will be informed to the foreign buyers by first week of August 2023. The last date to register as a hosted foreign buyer is 27 July 2023.
For any further information, please feel free to connect with the FIEO team on WhatsApp: +918586877982, 9999784214 / emailvishvaditya@fieo.org / rohittejpal@fieo.org / ashishjain@fieo.org.
India-Europe Dyes, Chemical & Ceramic Virtual Trade Fair, 22-23 August 2023
The Trade Promotion Council of India (TPCI) will be hosting the second edition of the India-Europe Dyes, Chemical & Ceramic Virtual Trade Fair online from 22-23 August 2023.
The event intends to foster deeper relationships between Indian exporters of Dyes, Chemicals and Ceramics and European buyers of these products. It follows the success of the first edition organised earlier by TPCI from 1-3 December 2021. Around 50 Indian Dyes, Chemicals and Ceramic companies are set to participate in the fair.
For more information, please see the Flyer and the official event website:
India MedTech Expo 2023, Gandhinagar (Gujarat), 18-20 August 2023
In association with FICCI, the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilisers (Department of Pharmaceuticals) is organising the India MedTech Expo 2023 for the Medical Devices sector, from 18-20 August 2023 at the Helipad Exhibition Centre in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, with the purpose of showcasing India’s journey and opportunities in the sector.
The event will create opportunities to network and explore collaboration, by bringing together stakeholders such as participants of the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme, startups, MSMEs, innovative entrepreneurs, R&D facilities, incubators, public and private hospitals, academia, research institutions, investors, state governments, MedTech parks and the Government. ‘Evolving Technologies’ will be the key highlight of the event, based on the three pillars of Knowledge, Experience and Networking. The event will aim at creating visibility for India’s medical devices ecosystem and a brand identity for the Indian MedTech sector.
See also the Draft Programme and the event Overview.
For any further query regarding this event, feel free to contact Shri Praveen K. Mittal, Sr. Director, FICCI, through praveen.mittal@ficci.com / +91 9810401125.
9th International MSME Expo, New Delhi, 10-12 August 2023
The 9th International MSME Expo Expo & Summit 2023 Investments & Trade Fair, organised by the MSME Development Forum, has been scheduled to take place from 10-12 August 2023 at the Pragati Maidan venue in New Delhi.
For detailed information, please see the Event Brochure and this Letter by PM Narendra Modi regarding the previous 8th edition of the event.
India International Jewellery Show (IIJS) Premiere, Mumbai (Maharashtra), 3-8 August 2023
The Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) is organising the India International Jewellery Show (IIJS) Premiere 2023 in Mumbai (Maharashtra) from 3-8 August 2023. The event is organised annually by GJEPC and has grown over the years to become one of the largest jewellery trade fairs in the world, with an estimated 1,850+ exhibitors, 3,250+ stalls 70,000 m2 of exhibition area, 35,000+ expected trade visitors, visitors from 800+ cities in India and visitors from 80+ countries.
In 2023, the IIJS Premiere 2023 will for the first time be held concurrently at two different venues on the following dates in Mumbai:
- JWCC (JIO World Convention Centre), Bandra: 3-7 August 2023
- BEC (Bombay Exhibition Centre), Goregaon: 4-8 August 2023
Salient features of the IIJS:
· Complimentary Online Visitors Registration via the GJEPC website
· Exclusive Inaugurations at JWCC & BEC
· Networking Evening on 3 August 2023 at Jasmine Hall, JWCC.
· Jewellers for Hope (charity dinner) on 4 August 2023
· Innov8 Talks (seminars) at JWCC & BEC.
· Exclusive One day for each venue with deferred show time for both the shows.
· Shuttle services will be available between both the venues (JWCC & BEC).
· One Visitor pass for both venues.
· Digital Visitor Badges for hassle Free Entry
Product Sections:
· Gold & Gold CZ Studded Jewellery
· Diamond, Gemstone & Other Studded Jewellery
· Silver Jewellery, Artifacts & Gifting
· Loose Stones (Diamonds & Colour Gemstones)
· Lab Grown Diamond (Loose & Jewellery)
· Laboratories & Education
· Machinery, Technology & Allied Sections
For further assistance, feel free to consult https://registration.gjepc.org/login.php?visitor=international or contact Ms Mrunmayee Sheode, Assistant Director - National Events through mrunmayee.sheode@gjepcindia.com / +91-7738098225.
North East Global Investor Summit, Delhi, August 2023
The Ministry of Development of the North Eastern Region about its organisation of the first ever 'North East Global Investor Summit', set to be held in Delhi in August 2023 (exact dates yet to be specified).
The focus sectors of the summit are as follows: Agri-Food Processing and allied sectors; Textiles, Handloom and Handicrafts; Tourism and Hospitality; Education and Skill Development; Healthcare; IT/ITeS, and Entertainment.
The North Eastern Region of India holds great potential for investment and trade in several sectors which are yet to be fully explored. In recent years, the Government of India, along with the various State Governments, has undertaken major initiatives to enable the region to achieve its full economic potential. Taking advantage of this, many national and multinational companies have not just expressed interest but have already made significant investments in the region.
For further information about the summit, please see the Brochure and the summit website https://northeastgis.in/ where registration may also be made. The final date of the summit will be announced on the website in the coming weeks. For any further details, the nodal officer in the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region may be reached, whose contact details are as below:
Shri Harpreet Singh
Joint Secretary
Email: sdsl.divn-donerqov.in
Tel. +91 11 23022398; +91 11 23063070
International Conference on Chemicals and Petrochemicals, New Delhi, 24 May 2023
In the context of India’s current G20 Presidency and host of the upcoming annual G20 Summit, the Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Government of India, in association with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is organising the International Conference on Chemicals and Petrochemicals: Sustainable Transitions through Greentech & Digitalization on 24 May 2023 in the Hotel Hyatt Regency at Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi.
Please see here the Conference Flyer and Programme Outline of the upcoming conference.
As one of the fastest growing industries, the Chemicals and Petrochemicals sector is instrumental for economic development and finds application in providing building blocks and raw materials for substantial commercial products. As a segment, it cuts across the proposed focused areas of the conference, pertaining to Global Value Chains (GVCs) for Resilient Global Trade and Investment, Future of Work, Skilling and Mobility, Digital Transformation, Financing Growth and Infrastructure, Financial Inclusion for Economic Empowerment, Energy, Climate Change and Resource Efficiency, Technology, Innovation and Research, and Development (R&D).
For any inquiry on the abovementioned initiative, feel free to reach out to Ms Ashneet Gahlawat (ashneet.gahlawat[at]cii.in) and/or Ms Afrin Shakeel (afrin.shakeel[at]cii.in) from CII.
Programme Outline
Conference Flyer
Bizcover India 2023 - International Multi Sector Virtual Expo: 17-20 March 2023
The 3rd edition of the virtual exposition Bizcoverindia 2023 – an International Multi Sector Virtual Expo – will take place from 17-20 May 2023. The main objective of this initiative is to connect Prospective Business People globally without stepping out from their office. Since it is an online event, no visa and no travel will be required. For registration and further, see the official website: https://www.bizcoverindia.com/expo
Major focus sectors include: Agro & Agri Products; Processed Food Products; Textiles & Apparels; Coir & Coir Products; Construction; Gems & Jewellery; Engineering Goods; Automobiles; Commercial Kitchen Equipment; Home Appliances & Furniture;
More than 200 companies are set to participate in this virtual initiative. During previous editions over 600 international delegates joined in to browse the many available products on the online platform.
Flyer 1
Flyer 2
IMC India Calling Conference 2023: Mumbai (Maharashtra), 29 April 2023
The IMC Chamber of Commerce and Industry is planning to hold its annual India Calling Conference on 29 April 2023 at Hotel Taj Santacruz in Mumbai (Maharashtra) under the theme “Rising India - Inviting Partnership for Growth”. The Conference will also be hosted on a 3D online platform for foreign delegates who would like to join virtually.
The Conference will deliberate discussions on the following topics:
- Gati Shakti – National Master Plan for Multimodal Connectivity
- Opportunities in Defence Manufacturing
- Opportunities in Tourism
- Opportunities in Real Estate and Urban Development
- Case Studies of successful stories of the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme and Joint Ventures
- Roundtable with G20 Ambassadors
- Valedictory Session: “G20 – Working for One Earth, One Family, One Future”
The day-long Conference will have participation of leading Indian and international experts from industry and government share insights into development of markets in India, policy inputs and opportunities for companies to invest and collaborate in these areas.
The IMC India Calling Conference is an annual feature established by IMC to provide networking platforms for Indian and global players to come together and debate, share insights and explore potential investment opportunities and collaborations.
Interested member companies can register to participate virtually by sending the Registration Form, duly filled in, to vanita.ghuge[at]imcnet.org
See also this note on the history of IMC India Calling Conference, and this Concept Note. Furthermore, for reference, see this post-conference report of IMC India Calling 2022 held on 6 May 2022, which witnessed virtual participation of over 800 delegates from India and 50 countries, including from ministries, government agencies and diplomatic missions.
India Steel 2023, Mumbai (Maharashtra), 19-21 April 2023
The India Steel 2023 fair will take place on 19-21 April 2023 at the Mumbai Exhibition Centre (NESCO) in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Organised by the Ministry of Steel, Government of India, in association with the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), the initiative consists of an International Exhibition and a Conference along with a series of concurrent events such as a CEOs Forum and a Reverse Buyer-Seller Meet (RBSM) with more than 250 invited delegates.
Selected delegates, confirmed by a screening committee, may be provided hospitality courtesies such as economy class air tickets, hotel accommodation (3 nights), airport transfers and local transport in India.
For further information on the summit, please consult the Event Brochure as well as the official website https://www.indiasteelexpo.in. You may also contact Mr Sudhanshu Gupta, Deputy Director of FICCI, to solicit any further clarifications: sudhanshu.gupta[at]ficci.com.
Event Brochure
2023 International Gem & Jewellery Show (IGJS): Jaipur (Rajasthan), 1-3 April 2023
The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), an apex body for promotion of exports of gems and jewellery from India, is sponsored by Ministry of Commerce, Government of India.
The 2023 International Gem & Jewellery Show (IGJS) is a Buyer-Seller-Meet (BSM) will be held at the Jaipur Marriott Hotel in Jaipur (Rajasthan) from 1-3 April 2023 (from 10h00 to 18h00).
The IGJS Jaipur is an exclusive export-oriented exhibition featuring top of the line products from the gem and jewellery manufacturers from India & presenting leading wholesalers and retailers from all over the world dealing in Diamond & Gemstone-studded Jewellery, Silver Jewellery, Loose Diamonds and Gemstones.
The event will include 70 booths of +9 m2 with over 250 buyers from across the world set to be present. Indeed, the IGJS will include the presence of wholesalers, retailers, traders, merchandisers, design houses, jewellery manufacturers and many other professionals.
Select Hosted Buyers will be provided with Complimentary Hotel accommodation, including breakfast (one room per company for select buyers only).
For any query kindly write to Ms. Barjinder Kohli, Assistant Director for International Events (barjinder.kohli[at]gjepcindia.com)
See also the Brochure and the Official Website.
INDEE 2023: New Delhi, 27-29 March 2023
The India Electronics Expo (INDEE), an international B2B Networking Meet organised by the Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council (ESC), will take place from 27-29 March 2022 at the Pragati Maidan conference venue in New Delhi. The event is being co-located with two other shows, namely INDIASOFT 2023 and Convergence India 2023. India’s top electronics products and Internet of Things (IoT) companies will be displaying their products, capabilities, and innovations that are made in India in the electronics and IoT sector. A unique Reverse Buyer-Seller Meet (RBSM) will also be scheduled for interested participants.
As the only event of its kind in India, INDEE is being supported by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India. This strategic initiative will be a most valuable platform for the global electronics industry to witness and source specialised, technologically sound electronic products. These include, amongst others, Consumer Goods, Telecommunications, Instruments, Office equipment, Medical Instruments, Computer Hardware, Power Electronics, Electronic Components (e.g. Semiconductors, Interconnectors) and various kinds of Technology.
The ESC has expressed its willingness to reimburse the cost of an economy class air return ticket as well as hotel accommodation for 2 nights to participating delegates. The standard ceiling of reimbursement will be US$ 900 or the cost of the ticket plus 2 nights worth of hotel accommodation – whichever is lower. ESC’s official travel agent will help the delegates in regard to hotel accommodation.
For details, please see the website http://www.indiaelectronicsexpo.com/, the Flyer and the Proforma for Foreign Delegates.
INDIASOFT 2023, New Delhi
[27-28 March 2023]
The INDIASOFT 2023 International IT Exhibition and Conference will take place at the Pragati Maidan in New Delhi from 27-28 March 2023. This 23rd edition of the fair has been organised by the Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council (ESC), which expects the presence of 1,500 Tech Companies, 200 startups, 50,000 visitors and over 500 overseas buyers from +60 countries.
INDIASOFT 2023 will provide a networking and business platform for ICT industry players and will focus on a wide range of areas within Electronics and IT, including Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics, Smart Manufacturing, Big Data analytics, Web & Mobile Apps, Fintech, Edutech, Agritech, Block Chain, IOT, Health IT, LPO, KPO, Animation, Gaming, AR/ VR, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Drones, IT Hardware and Security in Electronics.
With the support of the Department of Commerce, Government of India, the ESC stands ready to extend travel support under its “Hosted Buyers’ Programme” (ranging from US$900 to US$1,450 depending upon the regions/continents) to selected overseas buyers. Details, including the Buyers’ Nomination Form, are available on the event website https://www.indiasoft.org/.
For further information, you may also consult the event Flyer or directly approach the dedicated contact person Mr Vikrant Saxena, Joint Director, ESC, at indiasoft[at]escindia.com.
14th India International Silk Fair, Gurugram, Haryana, 22-24 March 2023
The Indian Silk Export Promotion Council (ISEPC) – an apex Government body of exporters of Indian Silk & Silk Products – is organising the 14th India International Silk Fair from 22-24 March 2023 in Gurugram (Haryana), near New Delhi.
Travel sponsorship for international visitors is available – up to ₹40,000 for European delegates (air fare costs) and two complimentary nights of hotel accommodation, including breakfast and airport pickup. The objective of sponsoring the visit of foreign buyers to the fair is to provide an exposure to products of around 80 exhibitors from all over India who will be displaying varieties of Fabrics and Garments, both in Silk / Silk Blended, Scarves, Sarees, Made-ups, Silk Carpets and Home furnishing.
Interested buyers may register for sponsorship on http://www.indiansilkfair.in/physical/ - the main event website where more general information is also available for prospective visitors.
In addition, please find here the following materials / resources:
1. Event Brochure
2. Letter
3. Flyer
4. Registration Link: http://indiansilkfair.in/physical/buyer-registration.php
TEXPROCIL: Ind-Texpo 2023, New Delhi, 22-23 March 2023
The Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council of India (TEXPROCIL) is organising the third edition of its ‘Ind-Texpo’ Reverse Buyer-Seller Meet (RBSM) from 22-23 March 2023 at The Leela Ambience Convention Hotel in New Delhi.
As TEXPROCIL’s flagship event, the Ind-Texpo 2023 RBSM is the largest sourcing show for Indian Cotton Textiles and Cotton-blended Textiles, with products across the value chain under one roof. It offers an opportunity to interact with leading manufacturers and exporters of Home Textiles, Cotton Yarns, Cotton Fabrics over two days, building strategic and long-term partnerships. Pre-scheduled exclusive ‘one to one’ business meetings between Overseas Buyers and Indian Exporters will be set up at the specially allocated B2B Pavilion.
In the context of the event, TEXPROCIL offers a Hosted Buyer Sponsorship Programme for selected International Buyers who wish to source their import requirements from India. The approved buyers will be eligible for:
· Complimentary Return Air fare (economy class) from the nearest airport in their country to New Delhi, India (subject to a maximum limit set by the Government of India)
· Complimentary Hotel Accommodation at The Leela Ambience Convention Hotel in New Delhi for 3 nights
· Air-Conditioned Transportation from the airport to hotel and back
· Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner on all days of the exhibition
All applications received shall be reviewed and evaluated for selection and approval by the TEXPROCIL Screening Committee. Accordingly, invites will be sent to the selected buyers.
For further information about the upcoming Ind-Texpo 2023 trade show, please consult the official event website: https://www.ind-texpo.com/ as well as the Event Brochure. The registration link can be directly accessed here. Moreover, a short promotional film can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/gkRubBsLQCg
For any clarifications, please write to mktg[at]texprocil.org or call +91 2249444000.
4th DILEX Expo and RBSM: Gurugram (Haryana), 21-22 March 2023
The 4th edition of DILEX (Delhi International Leather Expo) - Reverse Buyer-Seller Meets (RBSM) is set to be held at the Leela Ambience Hotel & Residences in Gurugram, Haryana, near New Delhi, from 21-22 March 2023. It follows in the footsteps of the successful 3rd edition of DILEX, which was held from 25-26 March 2022, and will focus on all types of Footwear (leather and non-leather), Footwear Components (Uppers), Leather Apparels, Leather Goods & Accessories, Leather Gloves, etc.
The upcoming fair is organised by the Council for Leather Exports (CLE), which with its membership strength of 3,500 companies is the apex organisation for the Indian leather sector. Under the aegis of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India, one of its stated aims is to promote exports of Indian leather and leather articles and footwear to the world market. CLE regularly participates in international trade fairs and organises RBSMs abroad, facilitating B2B meetings with Indian exporters and foreign importers.
The DILEX Expo will have a participation of around 70 Indian Manufacturer-Exporters of Footwear and Leather products, alongside an expected 60-70 overseas buyers from the US, Europe and other major markets. Business meetings will take place between the Indian participants and Overseas Buyers during the RBSM. Indian exhibitors will be displaying their latest collections of footwear, leather garments, leather goods and accessories for one-to-one meetings with the visiting buyers.
The CLE is inviting foreign buyers by offering to reimburse their economy excursion air fare (subject to ceiling limits) and providing a 3-nights complimentary stay in a 5-star hotel (Bed & Breakfast).
Note that the fair had originally been scheduled for 21-22 November 2022, but was later postponed.
For more information, please see the Brochure. You may also contact the organisers at CLE through cle[at]cleindia.com / ad-imdfairs[at]cleindia.com
India Sports Goods Sourcing Fair (ISGSF) 2023, Delhi, 21-22 March 2023
The Sports Goods Export Promotion Council (SGEPC), under the aegis of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, is organising the India Sports Goods Sourcing Fair (ISGSF) at The Leela Ambience Convention Hotel in Delhi from 21-22 March 2023.
As a global meeting place for business partnerships and product sourcing, ISGSF 2023 will feature 50 exhibitors that are leading manufacturers and exporters of sports goods. All types of Sports Goods will be available for sourcing from India, including:
- Athletic Goods / Badminton & Tennis / Boxing Equipment / Chess Sets
- Cricket Gear / Hockey Gear
- Indoor Sports / Inflatable Balls
- Sports Bags / Sports Nets / Sports Shoes / Sports Wear
- Table Tennis / Training and Agility Equipment
- Other Sports Equipment
Leading Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) of Sports Goods will be exhibiting at the show; their detailed profiles are available at https://www.sportsgoodsandtoys.com
Note also that 75 selected buyers will be hosted by SGEPC with a travel and stay subsidy under the Hosted Buyer programme. All applications will be reviewed by the SGEPC Screening Committee for eligibility under the guidelines of the Government and subsequent approval. All approved buyers shall be informed directly.
Each approved buyer will be entitled to:
- Two nights of hotel stay at a 5-star hotel.
- Partial / 100% Airfare reimbursements to New Delhi and return.
- All visitors are required to reach New Delhi on 20 March 2023.
For more details about the incentive package, delegates can consult and register themselves at:
Rajasthan International Expo, Jodhpur (Rajasthan), 20-22 March 2023
The Rajasthan International Expo trade fair is set to take place from 20-22 March 2023 in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, organised by the Rajasthan Export Promotion Council (REPC).
The event will focus on various product categories such as Handicrafts, Textiles / Garments, Jewellery, Food Products and Natural Stone. Please see the Brochure for more details. You can also find more information about the event at the official website of the REPC as well as on their social media pages:
Any potentially interested parties may freely reach out to the Chairman of REPC, Mr Rajiv Arora, through +91 9414076857 / chairman[at]repc.in.
International SME Convention (ISC), New Delhi, 19-21 March 2023
The India SME Forum is organising the International SME Convention (ISC) in New Delhi from 19-21 March 2023. The event, which is being planned in association with the Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises and the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, had originally been scheduled for 18-21 January 2023, but the dates were recently postponed. The convention will focus upon the four key areas of CleanTech & Green Energy; the Manufacturing Sector; the Services Sector; as well as Agro, Food Processing & Agri Implements.
For any further information, please see the official website https://internationalsmeconvention.com/ or reach out directly to the organisers through itd[at]indiasmeforum.org / +91 7710003917.
IIJS Tritiya 2023, Bengaluru, 17-20 March 2023
The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) is organising the 1st edition of IIJS Tritiya 2023 from 17-20 March 2023 at the Bangalore International Centre (BIEC) in Bengaluru (Karnataka). Focusing on Gems and Jewellery, this event will host +800 exhibitors spread across +1,500 booths at the 40,000 m2 BIEC venue, with an estimated +12,000 trade visitors set to visit.
Relevant product sections include: Gold & Gold CZ Studded Jewellery; Diamond, Gemstone & Other Studded Jewellery; Silver Jewellery, Artifacts & Gifting; Loose Stones and Lab Grown Diamonds; as well as Laboratories & Education
GJEPC is the apex body of trade sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India, to promote exports of Gems and Jewellery from India. As one of its leading foreign exchange earners and fastest growing sectors, Gems and Jewellery accounted for 9.31% of India’s total merchandise exports during FY 2021-22. The industry has registered remarkable growth over the last four decades, with exports having increased from US$ 28 million in 1966-67, when the GJEPC was established, to US$ 39.27 billion in FY 2021-22.
See also the event website https://gjepc.org/iijs-tritiya/ for registration and further details. Visitor badges can be self-printed on A4 paper prior to entering the fair, or printed in a kiosk at the venue. In case any assistance should be needed, feel free to approach Ms Naheed Sunke, Assistant Director, International Events: naheed[at]gjepcindia.com.
28th Partnership Summit 2023, New Delhi, 13-15 March 2023
The Department for Promotion of Investment and Internal Trade (DPIIT) of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, India, in collaboration with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), is organising the 28th Partnership Summit 2023 from 13-15 March 2023 at the Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi.
Held since 1995, the CII Partnership Summit has become a leading platform for global dialogue with a focus on international economic relations. Mr Piyush Goyal, Minister of Commerce & Industry, Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution and Textiles, Government of India, is set to chair the Summit, with Mr Sanjiv Bajaj, President of CII and Chairman and Managing Director, Bajaj Finserv Limited, as the co-chairman.
The previous edition of the Partnership Summit, held virtually in December 2021, convened over 250 speakers from more than 20 countries, including 22 overseas Ministers, over 25 global CEOs and over 100 heads of institutions for a global audience of over 7,000 delegates. The summit has earlier been addressed by prominent global leaders, including heads of state and government, leading global business heads, think tanks and academicians.
The CII Partnership Summit 2023 will hold high level discussions along the tracks of the global and Indian trade and economy, G20/B20, competitiveness, resilient supply chains, geopolitics and geostrategic, investments, sustainability, technology and the social dimension. It will focus on the opportunities and imperatives for countries and businesses to drive future strategies for growth, competitiveness, and sustainable and inclusive development.
India has recently taken over the Presidency of the G20 and this summit will provide an opportunity to expand the scope of conversation with G20 and other nations in shaping future global development.
The programme details are still being worked out and further updates will be shared over the next few weeks. For now, if you should have any questions, feel free to contact Mr Marut Sen Gupta through marut.sengupta[at]cii.in.
Sourcex India 2023, New Delhi, 9-11 March 2023
The ‘Sourcex India 2023’ India Reverse Buyer Seller Meet (RBSM) is scheduled to take place from 9-11 March 2023 at the Leela Ambience Convention Hotel in Shahdara, New Delhi.
Organised by the Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO) with the support of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India, Sourcex India 2023 will be India’s first marketplace for Indian brands to go global, covering both food & non-food Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) as well as Services. Sourcex India will help India companies to launch successful Indian brands to international markets by connecting them with the world's top buyers from across the globe.
At Sourcex 2023, foreign buyers will get to meet reputed Indian brands and join the elite of the industry and make valuable connections with Indian suppliers of branded products and services. The exclusive event aims to connect foreign buyers with quality Indian suppliers from key sectors. In sum, this is an opportunity for foreign buyers to meet potential Indian business enterprises under one roof.
Focus sectors of the Sourcex 2023 RBSM include:
Food & Beverages; Health & Beauty; FMCG & FMCD; Organic & Vegan Products; Toys & Children Products; Sports & Fitness; Stationery; E-Commerce Services; Education & Skill Training; Entertainment; Food Services & QSR; Leisure & Travel; Professional Services; Specialty Restaurants;
FIEO will be hosting foreign buyers and provide them with the following:
• Reimbursement of Return Air Ticket (Economy Class, maximum ceiling of USD 550)
• 2 Nights Hotel Stay in a 5-Star Hotel in New Delhi with Airport Transfers
• Meetings with Indian counterparts to explore business opportunities
Prospective foreign buyers are requested to provide their basic details by registering online at http://www.sourcex-india.com/registration_buyer no later than 10 February 2023. After registration, applications will be reviewed by the screening committee and the final decision will be communicated by 15 February 2023.
For any further information, see the official website http://www.sourcex-india.com/. If needed, feel free to connect with the Sourcex 2023 Team at +91 8586877982 (WhatsApp) or buyers[at]sourcex-india.com / vishvaditya[at]fieo.org / nishantkatyayan[at]fieo.org.
Jutexpo 2023, Kolkata (West Bengal), 2-3 March 2023
The Jute Products Development and Export Promotion Council (JPDEPC) is organising a Reverse Buyer Seller Meet, ‘Jutexpo 2023’, in Kolkata, West Bengal, from 2-3 March 2023. Detailed information about the event is already available on the official JPDEPC websites https://jpdepc.org/ and https://jutexpo.net/.
As a textile-related Export Promotion Council under the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India, the JPDEPC focuses its efforts on enhancing exports of Jute Products from India.
The objective of the Jutexpo 2023 is to invite 100 selected leading buyers of Jute Products from identified countries, who may receive air fare and hotel sponsorship as per official guidelines, and to organise their interaction with 30 selected Indian exporters of Jute Goods, alongside representatives from Jute Mills and Jute Diversified Products manufacturing units.
Prospective buyers / importers of Jute Goods may kindly fill in the Buyers Sponsorship Form and send it to the JPDEPC (jutexpo[at]jpdepc.org) with required documents so that direct invites can be sent out at the earliest.
Technotex 2023, Mumbai (Maharashtra), 22-24 February 2023
The Ministry of Textiles, Government of India, and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) are jointly organising the Technotex 2023 fair from 22-24 February 2023 at the Bombay Exhibition Centre in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Technotex is one of the largest composite events of the Technical Textile industry in the Asia-Pacific region and India’s premier event on Technical Textiles. It exemplifies the immense potential for mutually beneficial trade and investment between India and foreign countries in the Technical Textile sector.
This 10th edition of Technotex fair will attract participation of all major stakeholders from the global Technical Textiles fraternity as well as institutional buyers from the military and paramilitary forces, police, hospitals, agriculture institutions, municipalities, sports institutions and other entities. The event will be also supported by all related industry associations.
For further details, please see the Event Brochure and the official website, www.technotexindia.in. You may also consult https://indiatradefair.com/aahardelhi/ or reach out to the event organisers from the India Trade Promotion Organisation (ITPO), namely Ms Hema Maity, General Manager (hemamaity[at]itpo.gov.in) and Ms Jasdeep Seth, DM (jseth[at]itpo.gov.in).
Technotex 2023 - Brochure
25th International Engineering & Technology Fair (IETF): New Delhi, 16-18 February 2023
The 25th International Engineering & Technology Fair (IETF) is set to be held at the Pragati Maidan exhibition venue in New Delhi from 16-18 February 2023.
As the biennial flagship event of CII since 1975, the IETFhas achieved the status of a comprehensive international B2B platform. IETF attaches great importance in the Calendar of Events of Indian Industry as a networking platform where ‘who is who’ of industry, government, academia, and media from around the globe come under one platform. The 2023 edition of the IETF holds special significance, as it is the Silver Jubilee (25th) edition of the event, and there will be running an exclusive campaign to celebrate it. IETF is supported by relevant Ministries of Government of India, besides respective industry associations.
The 2023 edition of the IETF is a multi-sector industry event, which provides an ideal platform for a Country Pavilion to showcase its technological strengths and capabilities in select sectors of industry in an exclusive area. The IETF 2023 will showcase innovations through focused and concurrent shows in select industry sectors – advanced building technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), capital machinery, digital gaming, fluid power, factory & plant maintenance, healthcare, industrial automation & robotics, modern logistics solutions, metal and metallurgy, surface coating and water & solid waste management – where companies from India and overseas will display latest products and technologies in exclusive pavilions. Over 500 companies from 25 countries are expected to participate at this event, spread across an area of over 20,000 m2 of exhibition space.
Conferences/seminars and workshops on subjects relevant to the focused industry segments are also being organised during the IETF, enabling Indian industry to adapt latest technologies and innovations in Manufacturing and Services sector.
For more information, please see the Brochure.
23rd India International Seafood Show (IISS), Kolkata, 15-17 February 2023
The 23rd edition of the India International Seafood Show (IISS) will take place at the Biswa Bangla Mela Prangan, Kolkata (West Bengal) from 15-17 February 2023. The event organiser is the Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA), an autonomous body under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, in association with the Seafood Exporters Association of India (SEAI).
As a biennial event, the IISS is one of Asia’s largest seafood fairs that has evolved over the years to become a trusted platform for the industry to develop new business opportunities and explore growth possibilities. The exhibition will showcase the entire gambit of the seafood industry like seafood exporters with a range of high quality seafood, manufacturers of processing / packaging / equipment and other relevant vendors and suppliers. This latest edition of the event will revolve around the theme “IISS – The World’s Seafood Basket”.
In short, the IISS 2023 offers a platform for all stakeholders to meet, deliberate on various aspects of the seafood industry, strike business deals and receive updates on recent developments in the field.
Relevant Portuguese participants in this event include seafood importers, importer associations as well as other stakeholders, such as manufacturers of machinery and other equipment, certified agencies and port representatives. More details are available at the website https://www.indianseafoodexpo.com/ and in the Event Brochure.
RBSM at PLASTINDIA 2023, 1-5 February 2023
The Plastics Export Promotion Council (Plexconcil) is organising a Reverse Buyer Seller Meet (RBSM) during the PLASTINDIA 2023 exhibition, scheduled to be held at the Pragati Maidan conference venue in New Delhi from 1-5 February 2023.
The event will facilitate International buyers of plastic products/machinery and moulds to meet Indian manufacturers and exporters for sourcing products from India and also to establish marketing tie-ups and explore business collaborations. The plastics industry in India has developed and diversified significantly since its inception and now it has become one of the leading sectors and significant contributor to the Indian economy. In the FY 2021-22, India’s export of plastic goods stood at USD 13.35 billion. Many international companies are currently following the ‘China Plus One’ business strategy to avoid investing only in China and diversifying business into other countries. In this context, India is an excellent option for companies in terms of sourcing products and services.
For more details of the PLASTINDIA fair, see the event website https://www.plastindia.org. The RBSM buyers’ application link is available here: https://forms.gle/6MbXiDfiZhrKwq458.
Travel and Accommodation is offered free of charge to Foreign Delegates:
- E-tickets (Full/Partial) to and fro Economy Class (See the details).
- Hotel Accommodation for 2 nights
- All meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) will be provided by the organiser.
- Local airport transfers (group airport pickup/drop and daily shuttle service from hotel to exhibition venue and back).
Application deadline: 28 October 2022.
The plastics industry in India has developed and diversified significantly since its inception in 1957. It manufactures and exports a variety of plastics products ranging from plastics raw materials to semi-finished and finished items. Indian manufacturers are quality-conscious and make products of international standards. India has over 50,000 plastics processors, mainly consisting of MSMEs, having 153,500 plastics processing machines. The Indian plastics industry employs approximately 5 million people across the entire value chain.
Accelerated globalisation, significant investments, rapid change in technology, growing consumerism, rising incomes and growth in retail, automotive, healthcare and agriculture have brought about new changes and abundant opportunities for the Indian plastics industry to grow locally and globally. India has world class technical training institutes like CIPET (Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology) and IIP (Indian Institute of Packaging) that impart the skill sets required for increasing efficiency and productivity.
Plexconcil’s analysis indicates that there is potential for supplying the following plastics products from India to Portugal:
Portugal’s import from World
Portugal’s import from India
India's export to World
Consumer & houseware products
Cordage, fishnets & monofilaments
FIBC, Woven sacks, Woven fabrics, Tarpaulin
Floorcoverings, leathercloth & laminates
FRP & Composites
Medical items of plastics
Miscellaneous products and items nes
Packaging items - flexible, rigid
Plastic films and sheets
Plastic pipes & fittings
Plastic processing machinery & molds
Plastic raw materials
Writing instruments & stationery
(All values in USD Million)
For any further information please contact: rbsm[at]plexconcil.or
India Telecom 2023, New Delhi, 2-3 February 2023
The Telecom Equipment and Services Export Promotion Council (TEPC) is planning to organise ‘India
Telecom 2023 - an Exclusive International Business Expo’, in New Delhi during the first fortnight of February 2023 (exact dates TBC) under the Champions Sector Scheme of the Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications, Government of India.
TEPC has created this platform to bring potential buyers from across the globe to interact and finalise business deals through B2B meetings with quality telecommunications equipment manufacturers and ICT services solution providers from India. The event will include a conference session, an exhibition and B2B meetings during the event where leading Indian telecommunications manufacturers and providers will exhibit their capabilities.
TEPC is pleased to offer Portuguese and other European delegates visiting India Telecom 2023 an air travel reimbursement subsidy up to the approved ceiling of US$ 550. TEPC will also provide complimentary hotel accommodation at Hotel Ashok for three nights, from 1-3 February 2023, with breakfast included. If requested in advance, TEPC can also assist in arranging hotel accommodation, on payment basis, beyond the complimentary stay. Complimentary transfer from New Delhi Airport will also be provided.
For further information, please contact Mr Arun Gupta, Director General of TEPC (+91 9868139868 /
dg[at]telecomepc.in / tepc[at]telecomepc.in). For registration, please fill in the Foreign Delegate Form and send it directly to mktasst[dot]lisbon[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in.
Bengal Global Trade Expo (BGTE), Kolkata (West Bengal), 25-29 January 2023
The Confederation of West Bengal Trade Associations (CWBTA) is planning to hold the 2023 Bengal Global Trade Expo (BGTE) at the Biswa Bangla Mela Prangan conference venue in Kolkata, West Bengal, from 25-29 January 2023.
The CWBTA is the apex body of major important Trade Associations across the State of West Bengal, with two decades of experience. Each of its over 100 Member Associations represents different and varied products, including distributive and servicing sectors. Through these, the CWBTA represents more than a million traders and Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs).
For further details on this initiative, please see the official event website https://cwbta.in/bgte-2023-2/. You can also get in touch with Mrs Tinku Rajeev Gupta (nodalofficer[at]cwbta.in)
APEDA Buyer-Seller Meet, Brussels (Belgium), 16 January 2023
The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) is hosting an international buyer-seller meet (BSM) in Brussels, Belgium on 16 January 2023, set to take place at the Hilton Brussels Grand Place Hotel (Carr de l'Europe 3, 1000 Bruxelles) from 17h00 onwards, followed by cocktail and dinner.
As a nodal agency for promoting Indian agricultural and processed food exports, APEDA is responsible for facilitating and promoting export of horticulture, floriculture, processed food, poultry products, dairy and other agricultural products. The upcoming event in Belgium will offer an excellent platform to interact with APEDA officials and Indian suppliers. See here the official Flyer.
The following product category of Indian suppliers will be present at the BSM. Please find here the list of Indian companies participating in the event.
In addition, note that APEDA will also participate with an Indian Pavilion in the 'Saveurs & Métiers' trade fair in Namur from 15-17 January 2023. This fair gathers food sector professionals, with a particular focus on various food professions and food shops – see here the official event website.
For any further inputs about these two upcoming events in Belgium with Indian participation, please contact directly Mr Ashok Kumar (adviser1.brussels[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in).
RBSM at Invest Madhya Pradesh – Global Investors Summit, Indore (Madhya Pradesh), 11-12 January 2023
The Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO) and the State Government of Madhya Pradesh, are organising a 'Reverse Buyer Seller Meet' (RBSM) at the 7th Edition of the 'Invest Madhya Pradesh - Global Investors Summit', scheduled to take place from 11-12 January 2023 at the Brilliant Convention Centre in Indore, Madhya Pradesh.
The event will allow Portuguese buyers to engage directly with Indian suppliers from four selected sectors, namely Food Processing & Allied Sectors, Textiles & Garments, Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices and Automobile & Engineering. The organisers offer foreign participants a complimentary 2-night hotel stay and reimbursement of flight tickets (up to USD700).
Please find here the registration link and feel free to contact vishvaditya[at]fieo.org / ashishjain[at]fieo.org (WhatsApp: +91-8586877982) if you should have any queries.
For further details on this initiative, you may consult this document.
Trade Fair/Exhibitions in India Archive 2022